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AFSA National Scholarship Essay Contest

AFSA National Scholarship Essay Contest
American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA)
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info

Award Amount
Deadline Date
Awards Available
The AFSA Scholarship Essay Contest is open to high school seniors who plan to further their education at a college, university or certified trade school. You must write a 700 to 1,000 word essay on the following topic: Describe the history of automatic fire sprinklers and how the recently proposed federal legislation HR (House Resolution) 1824 may affect fire sprinkler installation in your community.

Additional Information
The deadline for this award is November 6, or until the first 1,000 eligible entries are received. Please visit the Web site provided for additional information.

Applicable Majors
All Fields of Study
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info