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WOMEN IN DEFENSE (HORIZONS Scholarship Foundation)

WOMEN IN DEFENSE (HORIZONS Scholarship Foundation)

NDIA; 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400
Arlington VA 22201-3061
FAX: 703/522-1885

E-mail: mailto:[email protected]


AMOUNT: $500+


FIELD(S): Engineering, Computer
Science, Physics, Mathematics, Business,
Law, International Relations, Political
Science, Operations Research,
Economics, and fields relevant to a
career in the areas of national security
and defense.
For women who are U.S. citizens, have
minimum GPA of 3.25, demonstrate financial
need, are currently enrolled at an
accredited university/college (full- or part-timeboth grads and undergrad juniors/seniors are eligible), and demonstrate
interest in pursuing a career related
to national security.
Application is online or send SASE, #10
envelope, to Woody Lee, HORIZONS
Scholarship Director.