NSAP�Naval Science Awards Program
ONR 353
800 N. Quincy Street
Arlington VA 22217-5660
800/422-6727 or 703/696-5787
E-mail: mailto:[email protected]
Internet: http://www.onr.navy.mil or www.jshs.org
AMOUNT: $2,000-$20,000
DEADLINE(S): Varies (established by
individual regional, state, and district
science fairs)
FIELD(S): Science; Engineering
For high school students (grades 9-12)
who participate in a regional/district/state
science fair. Winners can participate in
Junior Science & Humanities Symposia
(JSHS) Program. Awards also offered in
each of 14 categories at International
Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF), spon-sored
by Science Service, Inc. Must be US
citizen or permanent resident.
24 awards annually. Renewable. See
website or contact Mrs. Barbara M.
Thurman (Project Officer) at address
above for complete information on NSAP,