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Jacob and Ethel Greenberg Scholarship - UNCF

Jacob and Ethel Greenberg Scholarship - UNCF

Provided by: United Negro College Fund - Program Services
Deadline: Varies
Award Amount
Awards Available
Type of Award

Colleges this award can be applied to Bethune-Cookman College
Edward Waters College
Florida Memorial College
Dillard University
Huston-Tillotson College
Wiley College
Johnson C. Smith University
Livingstone College
Miles College
Oakwood College
Stillman College
Benedict College
Claflin University
Morris College
Voorhees College
Bennett College For Women
Morehouse College
Xavier University of Louisiana
Wilberforce University
Philander Smith College
Fisk University
Jarvis Christian College
Lane College
LeMoyne-Owen College
Paul Quinn College
Rust College
Saint Paul's College
Shaw University
Saint Augustine's College
Talladega College
Tougaloo College
Virginia Union University
Tuskegee University
Texas College
Clark Atlanta University
Spelman College
Paine College  


Description The Jacob and Ethel Greenberg Scholarship is available to students who are attending United Negro College Fund member schools. You must have a minimum 2.5 GPA to be eligible for this award. Additional Information Please visit the sponsor's Web site for additional information. Applicable Majors All Fields of Study