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Internships in Film Marketing

(Internships in Film Marketing)

3900 W. Alameda Ave.
Burbank CA 91505-4316

E-mail: mailto:[email protected]

AMOUNT: Varies


FIELD(S): Fields of study related to the
motion picture industry, including
marketing and promotion
Internships for full-time college students
age 18 and up interested in a career in a
facet of the motion picture industry. Must
have unlimited access to computer with
modem and transportation, be able to
work 4-6 hours per week and 2-3 week-ends
per month. Attend film openings and
sneak previews. Evaluate various aspects
via an interactive computer system.
Compensation ranges from $30 to
$60/month. Possible school credit.
Access website by writing �Buena Vista
College Network� from Yahoo. Available
in most states and parts of Canada. Details,
an interactive application, and E-mail
access are located on website.