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Helen McCloy/MWA Scholarship for Mystery Writing

Helen McCloy/MWA Scholarship for Mystery Writing
Mystery Writers of America
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info
Award Amount
Minimum: $500
Deadline Date
February 25
The Helen McCloy/MWA Scholarship for Mystery Writing is available to students who have talent in writing mystery fiction, nonfiction, playwriting or screenwriting. In addition to the application, you must submit a copy of official description of program printed by your institution/sponsor of program, a writing sample, two letters of recommendation and a short essay on your interest in mystery writing. This scholarship is to be used to offset tuition and fees for U.S. workshops, seminars, or university/college-level writing programs.

Additional Information
Please visit the sponsor's Web site for additional information.

Applicable Majors
English, Writing Programs
You can: Go to the provider's website for more info