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Engineering and Technician Scholarships

Engineering and Technician Scholarships

Engineering and Technician Scholarships
North Dakota Aid Program for Veterans and their Dependents
15 Broadway, Suite 613
Fargo, ND 58102  
This scholarship is renewable.
Number of awards: Varies
Amount of award(s): up to $800 per year
Minimum GPA required is: 0
Maximum age to apply: 0
Applications accepted from current:

High School Seniors

High School Graduates

College Freshmen

College Sophomores

College Juniors

Intended to be used during this year of study:

College Freshmen

College Sophomores

College Juniors

College Seniors

Only for students studying this major/area of study:

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Technology

Design Technology

Industrial Drafting

Only for active members or veterans (or the dependents of members or veterans) of this branch of Military Service:

Air Force




Coast Guard

Must be a current student or plan on attending this college and/or university:

Any North Dakota institution

Only for residents of this state:

North Dakota

Additional Information:

Spouses and dependent children are also eligible. The veteran must have been a North Dakota resident at the time of service. This award is intended for veterans, their spouses and dependent children of those who were killed in action, deceased due to a service-related injury, or are 100 percent disabled as a result of a service related injury.