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Elsie Bell Grosvenor Scholarship

Elsie Bell Grosvenor Scholarship

Elsie Bell Grosvenor Scholarship
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
3417 Volta Place, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007-2778  
Phone: Voice or TTY: 202-337-5220
Email: [email protected].

Website/Home Page:
Additional information/Application might be found here:

Applications available after: 11/01/1999
Deadline date is: 12/01/1999
Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) with requests for information.
Number of awards: 2
Amount of award(s): $500-$1000
Minimum GPA required is: 0
Maximum age to apply: 0
Must be attending (or planning on attending) school full-time.
Applications accepted from current:

College Freshmen

College Sophomores

College Juniors

Intended to be used during this year of study:

College Sophomores

College Juniors

College Seniors

For students with this disability:


Only for residents of this state:

District of Columbia

Additional Information:

Only the first 500 requests are accepted. One letter can be sent to request an application for all college scholarships. For deaf students planning on attending a "regular" college or university (not one specifically for deaf students.) Must have been deaf since birth or before language development. The applicant must use speech and residual hearing and/or speechreading as his/her primary form of communication.