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Department of Education and Cultural Affairs

Department of Education and Cultural Affairs

Department of Education and Cultural Affairs
700 Governor's Drive
Pierre, SD 57501  
Phone: 605-773-3134
Number of awards: Varies
Amount of award(s): Varies
Minimum GPA required is: 0
Maximum age to apply: 0
Part-time and full-time students welcome to apply.

For use by students attending:

Any two-year college, community college or junior college

Any four-year college or university

Any technical, trade or vocational school

Applications accepted from current:

High School Seniors

High School Graduates

College Freshmen

College Sophomores

College Juniors

College Seniors

College Graduate Level

Intended to be used during this year of study:

College Freshmen

College Sophomores

College Juniors

College Seniors

College Graduate Level

Only for residents of this state:

South Dakota

Additional Information:

This is the state agency responsible for much state and federal grant and loan programs. This is listed for your convienence. You may want to contact them directly for information about grants, loans and other programs offered by your state.